Wednesday 16 March 2011

Baby Dumping

Baby Dumping?
Apakah itu? Okay utk this entry I nk kupas sikit pasal isu semasa yang melanda negara kita ni.  Apa lagi kalau bukan masalah sosial.  Kalau u olls perasan la kan, baby dumping ni menjadi2 lepas setahun kita celebrated any events contohnya, Valentines Day( utk Muslim jangan sambut nah), Hari Kebangsaan, New Year Celebration and etc..Now, based on my reading, I'll shared with you about Baby Dumping

Definition:  Throw away the babies at any places without take care the babies.(eh ramai kot nk anak, korang suke2 hati je nk buang, taknak bagi la org yg nak)

1.  Poor parental modelling (ibu bapa kenalah mainkan peranan u olls, jgn nk gelak2 u oll pn nk jd parents juga in future)
2.  Poor sex Education ( sebab tu pentingnya English Education, eh salah Sex Education, kita bukan nk exposed anak2 pasal how to make sex but to be aware about their body, their action with friends.
3.  Pornography (hmm teringat argued pasal ni dgn classmates)
4.  Social Life ( contohnya extreme celebration of events)

1.  Mental Health ( mau tak sakit jiwa weii, dh buang anak kot kan)
2.  Individual Health
3.  Societies( confirm2 la org ramai akan pndang rendah kt si polan2 nih)
4.  Infant

1.  The Individual ( please u olls, avoid sex before marriage, ckp je kt u olls pnya partner tu 'No, Not Yet'!)
2.  Parents
3.  School Institutions
4.  The Government (sebab dah ada Baby Hatch and others welfare institutions)

Harap2 this entry ni dptlah tmbah u olls pnya knowledge more thing as a societies we should give moral support for those yg dh terlanjur ni. Advice them, and ensure that they are not involved with any social issue lagi..Ok ni ada la gmbar2 baby dumping..tengoklah kalau tak tersentuh lagi korang pergi terjun lombong tu..

Sampai hati kan buang anak mcm ni..huhu

kat lubang jamban pun jadi..

Ni la buktinya!

Sape yang taknak anak tu letak la kt baby hatch ni..


  1. bagus share info presentation dlm nie..lagi org tahu lagi bagus..chaiyokkkk

  2. azura: yeah kak zura..saje je sharing is caring, caring is loving.hehe
